Global NEVS
an expert in data service in automotive industry
Register an account to get 7-day trial for free (for the 1st registration only)
Free trial users are permitted to access to the following modules in the specified range. For access to all data and functionality, please contact us to purchase the membership package.
The following data modules are for free in trial period:
Car production and sales of 40+ countries, which can be searched by country, brand/model, fuel type, car type, and segment
PV export of China, Indonesia, and Mexico, including statistic charts and detailed data
Able to search by brand and model, by energy type, by vehicle type, and by segment
In the distribution map of car manufacturers and auto part suppliers, users can generate personalized map by customizing filters
Supplier list of 110,000+ auto parts helps to filter out suitable partners for users
Nearly 4,000 auto parts in the world, able to compare suppliers and models online
Catalogue of 2,000+ car manufacturers globally and their production capacity
New car plans of 80+ brands across 8 countries are available
Search 40+ basic equipment and parameters by model (including Chinese on-sale models and specific overseas models), which can be added into a comparator to see differences
Including network and number of public chargers, shared chargers, and battery swap stations
Import & export policies, financial policies, consumption policies, etc.
Trace the latest auto-related dynamics, including new car plans, cutting-edged technologies, and brand news
PV sales monthly of countries, and regional market analysis reports
Note: data, reports and functions are keeping updating.
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